Expanded Cinema Performance & Workshop – ELENA PARDO & AZUCENA LOSANA


Die filmkoop wien ist überaus glücklich im September zwei Filmkünstlerinnen aus Mexiko für eine Performance und einen Workshop begrüßen zu dürfen. ELENA PARDO und AZUCENA LOSANA werden ihre – auf der Berlinale 2024 uraufgeführte – Expanded Cinema Performance NANACATEPEC am Samstag Abend (7. September) präsentieren.

Am Sonntag (8. September) gibt es für alle Interessierten einen umfassenden Workshop: PRECARIOUS PROJECTORS WORKSHOP. In dem Workshop wird jede Teilnehmer:in einen Diaprojektor aus einer Schuhschachtel und unterschiedliche Lichtmodulatoren bauen. Dabei werden 16mm-, 35mm-Filme  und andere Materialien verwendet und bearbeitet. Sobald die Projektoren fertig sind, werden wir zusammen Sound generieren, um eine experimentelle audiovisuelle Impro-Performance auf die Beine zu stellen. Dabei werden uns Elena und Azucena ihre Tricks während des Performens verraten.

Unterrichtssprache ist englisch. Es ist kein Vorwissen notwendig.
Informationen  zur Anmeldung weiter unten!



Samstag, 7. September 2024
filmkoop wien, Komödiengasse 8, 1020 Wien
Einlass: 19 Uhr
Beginn: 20.15 Uhr
Eintritt: freie Spende

Expanded Cinema Film Performance
16mm loops and slide projections
color & black and white
ca. 45 minutes
live music performance

Live music: Angélica Castelló
Music composed, performed and recorded: TOMÁS NOVOA
PRODUCTION: Laboratorio Experimental de Cine (LEC), Crater Lab, Spectral

World Premiere: 74° Berlinale Forum Expanded, Berlin, Germany – Feb 2024

The Nanacatepec rock is traversed by a network that extends without a defined shape. It communicates both below and above the earth with living and dead beings. Its fruits, in the form of mushrooms, are creators and transformers of everything in the world.




Sonntag, 8. September 2024
filmkoop wien, Komödiengasse 8, 1020 Wien
11:00 – 18:00 Uhr (mit Pausen)
Teilnahmegebühr: 80 Euro (60 Euro für filmkoop wien Mitglieder)
Anmeldung bitte an: workshops@filmkoopwien.at



Born and raised in Mexico City, 1977. I Live and work in Mexico City and Buenos Aires.
Attended the Multimedia Arts Degree at the National Arts University in Argentina, the Diploma of
Audiovisual Preservation and Restoration (DIPRA) by the Film Archive and the National Image of Argentina
(CINAIN) and Claudio Caldini’s experimental film workshop.
My work is related to experimental films, installations and video.
Received in 2009 the Third Prize of Arts and New Technologies from the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos
Aires and Telefonica, in 2015 the exchange scholarship of the University of Sao Paulo / UNA. On 2016 a
mention in the National Hall of Arts in Argentina. On 2017 received the Creation Grant from the National
Arts Fund in Argentina and the grant for the Art Creators National System Program (SNCA) from the
National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) in Mexico. On 2021 I’ve been selected as a Professional
Development Fellow of the Flaherty Film Seminar and received the Grant for Independent Audiovisual
Training from The Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE). On 2022 received the e-flux prize at the
International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen, Germany and a special mention by the Black Canvas
Festival in Mexico City. In 2023 a special mention of the jury of the Umbrales competition in FICUNAM


Elena Pardo is a maker, explorer, and advocate of the moving image. Her cinematic work spans
documentary, animation, installation, and live performance. She recently completed Pulsos Subterráneos
[“Underground Pulses”], an expanded cinema and web documentary project funded with support from the
Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte / FONCA. She is co-founder of the Laboratorio Experimental de
Cine (LEC), an artist-run project begun in 2013 and designed to build a community of filmmakers and
audiences interested in experimental film through production, training, and film screenings. Elena is a
collaborator in training programs for the Campamento Audiovisual Itinerante and JEQO (a women’s film
school), where she shares knowledge and tools relating to audiovisual creation with youth and diverse
communities across Mexico.



Die Veranstaltung ist Teil unseres Jahresprogramms und wird gefördert durch das BMKÖS und die Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien.


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