Independent Documentaries by Raphael Reichl

Independent Documentaries by Raphael Reichl
Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024, 18:00 Uhr

La Escondida (The Hidden One)
Paraíso Interno (Paradise Inside)

Screening in presence with Raphael Reichl
Duration: 62min | Spanish with English Subtitles


La Escondida” is a hidden protagonist of the film who speaks to us through the soul of nature. There is literally a hidden port in transition on the Oaxaca coast in Mexico. Where the place was once baptized due to the myth of a kidnapped indigenous woman in colonial times, today the place is being discovered due to gentrification through tourism and forced environmental destruction. With a personal approach, through encounters between construction workers and turtle activists, the film shows the realities of the working locals.


Paradise Inside” is an intimate portrait of David Jimenez, who has created his own paradise in the middle of the metropolis of Mexico City. Inspired by the ideas of the Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner, he grows his own vegetables on his so-called floating garden. The story tells of a young man who challenges all odds, when all around him an enormous industrial consumer landscape is clogging up the canals of Xochimilco.


Raphael Reichl was born in Klosterneuburg (Lower Austria / AT) in 1994.
Lives and works in Vienna / Mexico City.
Whenever Raphael Reichl deals with people’s existential conflicts and their real life situations, he strives to question the official narratives and their perception. He pursues a similarly reflexive approach in his work with creative media, be it analogue film, a sheet of paper or the realisation of a video installation. On the basis of documentary approaches, Reichl deals with topics of digitalisation, ecology or precarious work.


Scheduled Events Screening
Komödiengasse 8, 1020 Wien Map