Category: Exhibition

Die Grüne Kammer

Die Grüne Kammer

(This entry is only available in German) AUSSSTELLUNG Bild: Markus Maicher, Winter Phytogramm #11, 2024, Pflanzenabdruck auf Fotopapier, 24 x 18 cm Die Grüne Kammer Alternative Prozesse und nachhaltige fotografische Praxis in Wien   Ausstellungsprojekt im Rahmen der Klima Biennale Wien CRISTIN AL SHATI MAGDALENA CHAN KRISTINA FELDHAMMER […]

Exhibition @ KRAS Gallery

Exhibition @ KRAS Gallery filmkoop wien members Masha Godovannaya, Cosma Grosser, Markus Maicher, Raphael Reichl, Florian Reidinger, Marina Rebhandl, Alina Tretinjak, Stefanie Weberhofer will present their work.

Analog Film is Alive!

Analog Film is Alive!

Where: Ankersaal Brotfabrik When: 3.10.2021 / 20h . Analog film lives on as a medium used by experimental filmmakers but it is also alive as a material organism made of silver, salts, gelatin, celluloid, light and human touch. It breathes, lives, resists, decays and perishes. filmkoop […]

filmmuseum vienna: 10 years of filmkoop vienna

filmmuseum vienna: 10 years of filmkoop vienna

filmkoop wien is a place where moving images are created. It is a place, but also an idea: that of a non-commercial, democratic and open collective. A collective that is based on personal commitment in order to create a space of independent artistic creation, freedom […]